2011年10月6日 星期四

Condolence to Jobs

Today is a shock day.

Although we realize it might happen, it's so soon. Everyone expresses the condolence with his faith. Same here.
Maybe he just arrive the top without regret. Maybe all his dreams come true. It's just a turning point.

Keep discovering. Follow your heart. And you will know it.



2019夏北海道自駕全紀錄 - 租車取車開車及行程安排

夏天的北海道很適合開車帶著一家大小出遊,可以自己控制出發以及景點停留時間,也可以深入暢遊美瑛各個大小景點,但是在北海道開車租車實際上的經驗如何,是這篇文章想要分享給大家的。 我在2019年7月帶著老婆跟岳母三人,行李一大兩中,在rentalcar.com上跟Nissan R...